Monday, October 4, 2010

My Heart for a Refugee...

by: Elizabeth Malta

My heart belongs to refugees, since well...forever. Let's get that out there first and foremost. I do not know what kind of writer I am, so maybe this will not make much of a difference. I figure it is worth a try though. I want to be a humanitarian aid worker and my dream is to be employed with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (The UN Refugee Agency or UNHCR). I've been an advocate for UNHCR in my community since at least 1997.
As of right now though, I am getting ready to go back to college...well once I have money to do so. I am planning on majoring in International Relations and Affairs or Political Science depending on how things work out financially. I hope to bring awareness to not only UNHCR but other sites that focus on refugees. At first I want to cover NGO's that focus on Children and Women refugees since almost half of all refugees are children and fifty percent of all refugees are women or girls. Yet very few organizations specialize in these groups. Well I think that's a rather good introduction as to what I'm doing. Spread the joy...